I hear another question inside this question
What do I think of myself?
Self Esteem is a projection of our own thoughts on other's behaviors toward us
Oh my very good subject some stream is coming through
One can shake their head and walk away, and realize the others are only just that
One could think that the mirror offered some lesson about self or others that are like self
One could decide that it is just them doing their stick and if harmful in some way to you or your property (mean spirited intrusion)
The prosecute
But all these thoughts are feelings of:
1) Being on one's own-different
2) Not caring what other's think because your life is full of your own pursuits
3) One can be curiously unconcerned but watching others as a clue
4) Sometimes a change in social circle is needed so you feel more comfortable with artists creative types than stockbrokers
5) Sometimes there is no answer
This was one for me