Well, to be human is to judge :-)
It's more about how we judge. Perhaps you can look at refocusing your judgments from negative to positive.
For example .. you see someone you know and they don't even bother smiling at you or saying "hello"
Well .. this is judgment time!
There are many choices you can make how your thoughts go ..
You could choose to judge them saying how nasty, uncaring, arrogant etc. they are .. OR you might consider that they must've had a really bad day or perhaps had some bad news etc.
The 1st line of judgment is critical .. and this will turn back on you. When you're having a hard day and don't have the energy to look or act happy, you will feel others judge you harshly .. because this is the way you judge.
The 2nd line of judgement is full of compassion and forgiveness .. for none of us ever know what it is to walk in someones shoes at any one moment. When you focus on this, you will also feel others compassion towards you.
So, be clear what type of judgmental thoughts you have about others and start shifting them to make them feel good and you feel good.