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Re: Please help with your advice.. problems are driving me crazy
kathryn101 Views: 2,060
Published: 18 y
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Re: Please help with your advice.. problems are driving me crazy

Hi Wurm...My goodness...what a username! :-)

So you've had a colonoscopy (bless brave soul) :-) and you've had a catscan of your tummy. So you know there isn't anything really serious going on...
although...I've dealt with constipation...and to me...constipation is a serious
matter. And yes, I can well relate with the problem driving you crazy.

You didn't say what your diet is like...but if you can get these specific foods...
try this.

Take all junk out of your diet...for the next 2 weeks...don't live to eat (which is
what so many of us do)...but eat to live. In just 2 weeks...since the problem is
fairly new to should see remarkable improvement in many areas.

For the next 2 only foods that add good nutrients to your body.
And by the time you get all of them into your day...other foods shouldn't be
tempting...because you'll be so full of 'good stuff'. :-)

Try to eat lots of salads...add some fresh spinach (not spinach from a can) :-) to
your salads at least 1/2 avacado twice a day with 1/2 slice of good bread
(my husband calls this bread WOOD bread) :-) but get either Ezekial at your health
food store (and it's going to be about $4 a loaf) or the 12 or 15 grain bread is
really just as good...I buy Pepperidge Farms Whole Grain 15 grain bread...but eat only about 1/2 slice of that morning and evening...and we put a little Smart Balance
butter on ours.

Also buy Activia yogurt at your's really good for the tummy and should
help relieve your constipation within a few days.

If you fresh pineapple...slice it...cut the good pineapple away from the
chore...and keep it in a container in the frig. Get some almonds or walnuts from
your health food store and munch on them on and off if you need something during
the day. Sliced apples are also very good. Oh and that pineapple in the container
in your frig :-) eat a little of it on and off during the day as you can. It's
delicious and so good for your tummy

You could also get prunes and figs...and have a few of them morning and evening.
And drink a big glass of water each time after eating them.

You should be able to get things going fairly well with just the above...then if
you will re-work you eating habits just a bit to include the shouldn't have a problem. Continue eating the Activia least once or twice a day...even after you get lined out.

I'm so rushed this morning...we're taking a day trip...and my mind is spinning with
all I need to do before we leave...and I can't think as clearly as usual. But try
some of this today....the main thing is...leave off the junk food...or mucous forming foods (sugary and dairy especially)I know the Activia is dairy...but it is
so good for constipation...the good out weighs the bad.

Another thing that's crucial...if you 'do' feel the urge...don't put it off until
you have more time....go right then.

You'll probably be getting all kinds of advice....but you're 22...not your
situation should be fairly easy to turn around. You don't need enemas or colonix...
I don't think you even need a strong colon don't need to do anything
right now that sounds 'drastic' to you. You don't need a lot of supplements...if probably just need to slow the right foods...drink more water.

Hope some of this helps. kathryn



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