Re: No one likes this question-ParaGone Diet Suggestions
Here's a copy of the ParaGone Diet Suggestions:
Diet Suggestions/foods to enjoy:
. 8 to 10 glasses of clean water per day
. Fresh vegetables and green vegetable juices
(try adding Granny Smith apples to juice for flavor)
. All fish except shell fish
. Free range or organic chicken and turkey, eggs
. lemons, limes, cranberries, Granny Smith apples
. WeII-cooked grains: millet. buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, speIt. 16ff. .
Pasta made from any of the above recommended grains
. Essential fatty acids, like flax oil
. Butter
. Raw almonds and seeds, raw almond butter
. Liquid teas like chamomile or peppermint
Foods To Generally Avoid
While Cleansing:
. Generally limit
Sugar intake: sucrose, fructose, maltose,
lactose, glucose, mannitol, sorbitoJ, galactose, maple syrup,
brown, raw, and date sugar, honey and artificial sweeteners . Yeast foods: breads, pastries . Alcohol, soda, coffee, fermented beverages, ciders . . Condiments, sauces, and vinegar products (mayonnaise ,
catsup, MSG, pickles)
. Dried or candied fruits, such as raisins or dates
. Fermented foods such as soy sauce, sauerkraut
. Fruit juices
. Fruits, except those listed above
. Cheese and sour milk products, buttermilk; sour cream
. Mushrooms
. Nuts except raw almonds and seed
For a complete list of diet suggestions, please visit the website at