Re: all these wrinkles all of a sudden, why?!
It could be lack of fats in your diet. Check on that, because many people go on what they think is a
healthy Diet and end up going no fat or low fat and wonder why their skin suffers for it. The skin requires fat in our diet (good fat). This means that butter, lard, extra virgin olive oil, organic virgin coconut oil, fish oil - cod liver oil (PCB and mercury free brand) are excellent and provide lubrication from the inside out.
Here is a link on the importance of these fats
So make sure you are getting those in your diet, including enough proteins from eggs and meats. Vegetables and fruits are great, but we do need the raw materials of protein and fats to build and heal also. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals and help clean us out, but you need the raw materials to also build up and provide many other things that you need.
I do not even cut the fat off my meat anymore, but I eat it with the meat. Plus I use virgin coconut oil liberally, butter and lard in my cooking. I even eat the coconut oil straight (it's organic and delicious). I also supplement some fish oil too. If I did not do this? I hate to think. Hardened vegetable oils are the proble, they are extremely bad! In fact, I remember I was eating these chips with this oil and I started to get symptoms of heart problems. I had to stop and it went away. Yet I have had no issues with the fats I am consuming on this diet, becuase they used by the body, rather than toxic, they are healing.
Nothing you put on your skin will do much for you unless the inside is well lubricated and taken care of. You're only 28 and yeah sometimes by that age you can notice a bit more on the forehead, it's not unheard of but some of that maybe due to the skin not being lubricated from the inside by proper fats and the requirement for proteins also.
Oil of Olay is a good brand. I just use the lotion for sensitive skin. Plus I use the cleanser that goes with it, seems to be "ok", though diet is probably the main deal. Though it seems you've made great changes, I still wonder if you're lacking in something now that you may have been getting before, even with the junk (which I'd not recommend you go back to just for that).