I wish to offer something for you to consider (and I will explain the reason for the title of this reply, further along). I agree that we are indeed energy, and that we will be absorbed back into the universe.....but this is only part of the bigger picture. I am certain we retain our unique individuality and our consciousness, and we will return to this Earth again to live out all that we have not let go of this time, including our illusions of seperation, our attachments , and all that is left unforgiven in our lives.
Even Einstein was 'Spiritual', that is, he agreed and understood that he was connected to ALL of life, which is the definition of spiritual. ( Religeon, on the other hand, is when you get a Mafia, or an Empire and they aprehend spiritual understandings and their teachers, then edit, change and re-gurgitate the understandings as ''Absolute'', or ''Infallible'' truths, and actively seek to suppress or destroy any others' understandings ~ they deem ~ as''Heretical''.)
Anyway, I just wanted to offer you a couple of directions , should you ever decide to look into the deeper understandings of life. The first I would offer you to investigate is a book which was the diary of a Victorian boy, who to this day remains anonymus, for reasons you will see in the book. The book is called, '' THE BOY WHO SAW TRUE''.~ Anon.
And, as always, the only way to verify if these or any other writings are true is to feel them, within yourself as to whether they resonate truth. This is a much simpler thing to do that any amount of intellectual reasoning (which is endless by it's nature). You simply read something, be still/silent and feel within yourself, whether this feels truthful. This goes for anything you ever read, it is simply using your own intuitive power and recognising whether something 'Feels' right or not. This is in fact our ' %¤#&!§- detection system'....and it improves with practice.
Please forgive the size of this post, I just wished to 'point' to other possibilities that you may have overlooked....
If you are a 'Scientific materialist', then it might be good to explore the most recent findings of both Quantum Physics and String Theorists ( and then explore the highest teachings from the East (India, for example) and you will likely be surprised to find that they all say the same thing, (although using slightly different ways to describe them)that is, we are all 'energy beings' made of the same 'stuff' as the cosmos, and most importantly, we CAN and DO affect the fundamental particles of matter with our THOUGHTS. Now, the implications of this understanding are litteraly mind-boggling (at least in our current state of ignorance). For if it is so, that we can affect 'reality' then, if we choose to explore ways to do this constructively and 'consciously', 'with intention' then we will have begun to take responsibility for our power. The next step, in this creative process is that of unity, which is far more possible with an 'enlightened' mind that one which lives in the illusion of 'seperation'. I could go on yabbering about many other directions, that all lead back to the understanding of the unity of all life, but I am not wishing to 'convince' you of anything.
I will finally offer one last piece of the puzzle of life ( and to me the one with the best answers) and that is a website called askrealjesus.com ....... now before you get your back up, being a practisin'atheist'n'all, I invite you to give this site a good look over and again, let your own Heart decide if this resonates truth for you. I am not attached to your decision, I am just being myself and pointing to where there may be information that brings understanding, for without which, there can never be peace.
I wish you Peace, Joy and Abundance and I know you will find ALL you seek.