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Re: The slow down, by MH
dsr Views: 783
Published: 18 y
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Re: The slow down, by MH

I do construction work here in Iowa and my phone rings constantly with people wanting things done. Problem is I am down to just myself most of the time now cause you can't get any help. So many people on the gummitt teat. The kids have no work ethics and most have never worked. It is the same for the guys that are bigger than me they can't take on alot of the jobs cause they can't get the man power and if you can get the workers it is like running a daycare center all you do is babysit. So this slows everything way down. Alot of my work comes from the country cause the wind gets so violent here anymore. The farmers (whats left) have dozed down all the trees and farm buildings to grow corn for ethenol. When (not if) diesel goes to $3.50 one heck of a big chunk of farmers will be done. It is a whole different world than it was just 10 yrs ago and the future isn't looking to good either.

Boy George wants to n2ke Iran and more than likely will, that will probably take a false flag operation here, which many say we could be under marshall law by this fall.
It is so wierd out anymore.


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