Re: great testimony!
Hi. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I think the kraut and/or the veggies are helpful, and I don't think it matters whether you stick to one or rotate them. I just rotate them 'cause I like both of them. The veggies one is actually a deep dark red color, due to the beet content. I actually find them better tasting than the kraut, but that is just me. They also have a kimchee and several flavors of salsa, if I forgot to mention it. I am lucky in that I live in San Francisco, so I can find pretty much anything either at Whole Foods or the myriad local health food stores in the city. However, I know of at least one person who lives in a remote area, and she gets the vegs shipped to her from their website. It might be cheaper on the site - I have not compared. But, she says you can buy it by the gallon or half gallon on the site, and in the stores you can only get the small size (15 oz.) It says about 4 servings on the jar, so I guess they are thinking a serving is just shy of about 1/2 cup. I was eating about 1/3 cup 2x/day, so a jar lasted about 2.5 days. These days I eat about 1/2 cup a day, usually just once a day, so it lasts me about 4 days. One thing you could do is try them, and if they work for you, you can make them a lot cheaper than you can buy them. Here is a thread from the
Candida Forum abotu making them, and if you google curezone, you will get lots of hits. For me, I have more money than time right now in my life (darn job!), so I am going for the convenience factor of the more expensive store bought ones at least for now.
I honestly cannnot say exactly how much of my recovery is due to the kraut/vegs and how much due to the new probiotics I started, except that I was on the kraut for about 2.5 weeks before I added in the new probiotics, and had definitely noticed a big difference from them. And then adding in the new probiotics just ramped it up all the more. Not that my lips could heal anymore beyond "healed" (and now that I think about it - yes my lips were healed just from the vegs before I added in the new probiotics), but I am also fighting candida, and my candida symptoms really got a good kick in the a** when I added the new probiotics to my regime on top of the veggies.
I am really thrilled because I am finding that I am excited to wake up each day now so I can check how much better I am feeling than the day before. :)