My Turn
When I first came to curezone some 3 years ago, I was in real bad shape.
My candida symptoms included, dizzyness, extreme fatigue(slept until 1pm), confusion, ear aches, sore throats, irritability to name a few.
In addition, the varicose veins in my legs hurt. My arthritic knees and elbows ached. My heart fluttered. There were few foods that I could eat, had tried many crazy diets that had my weight down to 140lbs(I'm 6 feet tall).
I had tried everything I could find to just get some relief and be able to think straight.
Even though I considered my butt to be one of those that things only came out of, I caved in and tried coffee enemas. To my suprise, they helped the jittery feeling I had. I was able to calm down.
After researching different liver flushes, I chose the
Hulda Clark method. I did the whole preparation thing....the zapping etc. After taking the first dose of
Epsom Salts during my first liver flush, things stated happening to me that nobody had spoken of and I freaked!!!!!!
So I asked a question in the
Liver Flush Forum and got a couple of responses...well to make a long story short someone suggested that I Ask Andreas.
Today I eat most things once, ice cream, bagels, cheese etc. Not only do I eat them, but I overeat them. I've gotten so fat that I'm afraid to get on a scale. :)
My knees and elbows no longer hurt, my legs don't either. The heart fluttering has stopped. My candida symtpoms are gone.
Without you and curezone Spirit I would either be sicker than ever or dead.
Written with Love and Gratitude