Re: Can Someone Tell me More?
First of all
Lugol's will help you, no doubt about it. However, first why don't you take your basal temperature. You do this by keeping a thermometer close to you r pillow before going to sleep. Upon waking up just stay in bed and not move much(it raises your temp) take your temperature and keep a log of it. If it is below 96F or 36C you definitely need iodine. I went thru' this myself. CZ was a great help. I took my first drop and felt better. I had symptoms like high blood pressure, heart attack, feeling cold, which I never did before. I have raised my dosage gradually to 20 drops a day. I am doing great. It has helped me with other issues as well, such as negative thoughts are gone, more strength to bear daily stresses, my bowels have improved, no more feeling cold or high blood pressure.
By the way it took me only one drop to cure my 3 weeks of agony of having high blood pressure etc. I also sleep better.
Other things you may want to look at is very simple.. look at your diet and exercise everyday.
Hope this helps you to start your journey to recovery.
Good luck.