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Observation About These Worms
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Observation About These Worms

Seems like the worms in me sting my throat for for a few days. And then they switch to stinging my behind. I presume they are mating in my lungs, then migrating to my rectum to lay eggs. For the last two cycles, the stinging in my butt has gotten really, really mean. I mean really mean. They make my whole body jump and flinch.

They hate sprouted garlic. When I put a clove of it in my anus, they start wiggling around like crazy and quit stinging me for a while. It feels like they get busy surrounding the garlic and pushing it up inside me. I can feel a wiggling ball form around the garlic and then it starts moving up inside me. When they start stinging me again, I insert another clove. The garlic is the last thing to come out when I poop. And sometimes is is accompanied by a lot of mucous.

This week, I tried dabbing dry Wormwood powder on my anal spincter. They switched to biting me further up inside. It is hard for medicine to reach the critters when they are hanging out around the orafices. I have the same problem with a vaginal infection. I can get rid of the infection inside my vagina by soaking a sponge in goldenseal or Iodine and inserting it, but the bacteria (or whatever it is) at the entrance of my vagina keeps itching me because I haven't figured out how to keep the medicine directly on it.

Anyways, I only had two cloves of sprouted garlic left and they were still biting me really hard. So I decided to try some Ivermectin. (Cora, you should be very proud of me.) I bought a bottle of the liquid stuff at a feed store. It is for pigs and cows. The recommended dose is one ML per 110 pounds body weight, which is what I weigh.

When I looked up Ivermectin, there were lots of articles on it. None of them had any warnings about liver damage. Only one said to tell your doctor if you have liver problems. Well obviously I don't use doctors, since I'm shopping at the feedstore. Anyway, from what I read about Ivermectin, symptoms and side effects in mammals are very rare, but it doesn't easily cross the blood brain barrier. They even sell Ivermectin sheep dip by the gallon and I'm thinking about putting some in my shampoo.

One article said that the dosage to treat heartworms in dogs is much higher, than the preventive dose. It said to treat the dogs several times a day for several days, then make sure they remain sedentary for a month because once the worms are dead, the body needs time to break them down and remove them. Excersize can cause them to move out to quickly and the complications can be deadly. So I'm thinking about treating myself for heartworms and see what happens. I'm pretty sure that is what is wiggling around in my chest and causing pain in my heart.

They sold me 50 ML, which is enough to treat a pig or a cow, so I have plenty of it to play around with.

Since I am terribly afraid of damaging my liver, I decided to start by putting it in an enema, and bypass my digestive tract, instead of swallowing it. I made a strong batch of Wormwood tea, added 1 ML of Ivermectin, douched my butt and waited a few minutes. Nothing happened. I didn't try to retain it for very long because I didn't want to hurt myself.

A couple hours later, I was still alive and the pinworms were still biting me. So I made another batch of tea and put 2 ML in it this time. Still NO results. I tried a third time with 3 MLs and retained it for about ten minutes. This time I could tell they didn't like it. They weren't going as crazy as they do when I insert garlic, but when I expelled the water, a strange thing came out. It is apparently a hook worm. It's about four inches long, has long tusks, or fangs on one end, and the other end has a pointed tail like a snake. I presuming the tusk end is it's head. If so, there was a glob of yellow mucous around it's head. I noticed a bad unusual familiar odor, which I frequently smell, and nobody else can...

So... Before bedtime, I put 1 ML in a capsule and inserted it. They really hated that. Oh my! The itching and stinging got so intense I couldn't sleep. I kept getting up and dipping a Q-tip in the Ivermectin, swabbing my anal spincter. It would only stop them for about an hour and then they would start biting me again. I was up and down all night. AT five am, I got really mad and inserted two caps of 1 ML each. Holy moly I was in terrible pain. They were going nuts. I put one silver pulser lead under each of my butt cheeks, turned it on high to see if that would make them stop biting me. Apparently it did. They finally calmed down and I got some sleep. I slept on the pulser until the battery went dead.

They are still biting me today, but not as hard.



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