Re: Cherries have Yttrium
Well, get a grip because everything is being systematically pushed out of reach:
- zappers are out of reach of the average person now, and on their way to the far fringe
- rife is already on the fringe, no free flow of info is allowed, any claims or suggestions may land you in GITMO
- Lugol’s by being added to the restrictive list is now pretty much mail order only, this is the slow death of Lugol’s or only for the fringe
- The SCIO is a relaxation device since any other claims are once again a ticket to GITMO. As I have said before; as much as I hate the marketing and pricing this at least allows these machines (on the fringe) into the public. Unfortunately anyone actually using them with a brain and some analytical thinking can NOT do so in public and must stay underground…
Thank you big Brother for protecting us :)
As for the ventricle, either the A.Vasorum or the Lyme or maybe the combo left damage as per SCIO. Things are slowly repairing themselves and CoQ10+Hawthorn seem to help.
And yes, the SCIO tells me what to zap. Had SHEEP LIVER FLUKE | In kidney or pancreas or bladder. (117) show up so I ran the Hulda Fluke progam, VERY effective...
NOTE: He has several entries for the same Fluke, if you look closely it even tells you where they are...