I feel ya. Evetone makes this sound like it's the best thing in the world to do. I never had any problems from my amalgams, and they never hurt. I ate anything I wanted and drank anything I wanted. Now, I carefullt select what I eat and drink. I was at the dentist about 3 weeks ago, and he said well some people it takes a little over a year. So then, I go home thinking, I can wait a little longer. I spent over $2,000 getting 3 of them done. No insurance, and this is my reward to health. I'm startig to think it is all in the mind. If we can get people t believe symptoms come from amalgams, than people will start to believe. I have a cyst and infection in my front tooth from an old root canal, and they want to yank it, or cut on me. I'm so confused, it's not funny, and I don't kow who to trust or what is truth anymore.