Yea I have a problem with morales too. I had a root canal tooth removed and it snapped in half during extraction. He was yanking on my head so extreme i had tears streaming down my face. It took 45 min for that tooth to come out. When I went back to my hotel that night I started seeing flashes of lite. I had incurred a detached retina from the trauma incurred during the 2 days of dental work. I am glad i had my mercury fillings(5-6) removed at a good cost but in the process am now blind in one eye. I had a problem in that eye before as it was scratched from a basketball injury 20 years prior where my cornea was scratched. I ended up later getting a cataract then went to VA to get surgery and was a botch job and now have chronic pain in the eye. The fact I was on raw food diet and low thyroid didnt help either. I ditched that diet and now eat ala nourishing traditions style, but the damage has been done.