I was quite shocked when you say how contagious it is, (the ways it can be spread) and then state that you are going to the dermatologist in August ! I am assuming that is the soonest that you can get in ?
Please do not think that I am jumping on your case, I am not. I do think that the dermatologist should be able to get you in sooner. I am not a nice person at all when it comes to any thing to do with doctors. I have no patience with them and their so called "booked full" schedules. I know it is hard to deal with offices, getting appointments, and/or information. I wonder if they think about how much longer you will have to suffer before you get treated and also, how many people you can pass this on to before they get you in ?
I am glad that you found out what is wrong, but sorry that you have to wait for treatment. Keep us posted. Thanks again for posting.