The Bullet has been bit!
LOL, Kind of a dramatic subject line to simply say that I have finally started today.
I had been waiting... approximately 3 months. On what I am not really sure, but last night I knew that today would be the day.
Well, actually, I do know some of the reasons I wanted to wait... I wasn't comfortable with it yet, I was somewhat afraid (the devil may care, but I don't anymore). Also, I felt I needed to take some time and get a bit more healthy before I did this. Also, the idea of parasites was new to me and it totally disgusted me.
LOL, When I first began visiting this forum and reading the stories and looking at the pictures, I had a perpetual frown/grimace on my face even after I stopped reading about it.
I hope the time taken to prepare myself physically and mentally will make this a smooth as possible cleanse.
I also wish to thank everyone who contributes to this forum, and also to give Humaworm a great big THANK YOU for all the blessings of health that he has been able to give to so many.
Just-n-Merciful (are our bodies)