I have a 20 year old son that I adopted from Chile in 1991. He was almsot 5 when I got him. He was sickly, Malnourished and full of parasites. It took 2 years and mega testing and lots and lots of doctors that didnt believe it when the results came in. he was infested with parasites! His intestines were totally full of them. It took some rigorus drugs and a 2 week hospital visit to cure him. Which I never believed he was totally rid of them. Now that I have found this place I have already ordered us both a treatment and I cant wait. He is very healthy now but he still has bowel issues that never seem to clear up. After his first treatment we had moved away from his doctors that knew the truth and as he got older it was harder and harder to find a doctor that would actully agree that he had them in the first place. We are so happy that we found this place and we are especially exited to see what results we will have. Sad thing is..not only is human population in denial. SOOO many docs are also. And soo many people relying on doctors to tell them what is wrong. Which puts us folks back in the realm of denial in more ways than one. AMEN FOR HUMAWORM!