18 y
Whats Worse? Parasites or Denial?
What's worse, parasites or denial? I guess in some ways you could answer that denial is worse than parasites because staying in denial never gets you to treatment.
I was at the health food store two days ago and a customer was asking for assistance in the herb/vitamin department. Since no one was availible I stepped in to help. The woman told me her cat was constipated and throwing up his food. I suggested she look into parasites as the cause and her first reaction was denial although she warmed up to the possibility when I mentioned that we deworm animals all the time. I continued on, steering her toward this website (and the HW site as well). Maybe she is reading this post right now and I hope she is too!
All we can do is try to alert others to the best of our ability. The average American is clueless when it comes to health matters and taking personal responsibility for them. They have been conditioned to leave these matters in the hands of 'health professionals'. This is a long subject better left to other forums.
My wager is that parasites plus denial are the root cause of most if not all disease.