thank you for your reply to my post. I will try not to worry about this. It looks like tiny veins filled with blood under the skin. Its very strange. I am pregnant again and it seems more prominent now and I notice a couple of new ones. I wish I at least knew what it was. Well I think I will see a dermatologist once we get our new insurance just to find out what it is or if there is anything that can be done about it. I have just read some stuff on line about inflammatory Breast Cancer and I get worried. I am 27 and just starting my family. I am also almost 5 weeks pregnant and I have no pregnancy symptoms. Do you know why this might be? I had slight nausea and fatigue with my first son around this time but nothing so far with this pregnancy. Should I be worried about that? I heard from someone that the stronger the pregnancy the stronger the symptoms. I also heard that if I am having a girl I would be very sick. What do you think of this? I would like your input.