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I have a different opinion -
pb3046 Views: 1,582
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 882,909

I have a different opinion -

Actually, your bowel movement sounds ideal. We all strive to have well formed movements. The reason that most of our movements are not as wide is that our colons have muck lining the sides. And your digestion has to be really good to have long bowel movements. I have striven to have these kind of bowel movements as well and I have had some toilet problems as well. What I usually do is flush the toilet while I am still sitting on it.

Perhaps if you follow the typical college diet, this will change. Your bowel movements are a barometer of your overall health and yours sounds excellent.

Now for having only one bowel movement every 2-3 days, it certainly doesn't sound good to me, but perhaps your intestines are longer than most of us. My aunt had that problem all her life, and when she had an operation, they told her she had unusually long intestines.

If it's not broken, don't fix it. It seems you have the recommended bowel movement. Check out writings by Dr. Mehmet Oz, or transcripts of his appearances on Oprah.


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