Re: *edit* water fluoridated info, maybe a bit misleading
There are several states that share Colorado River water from several dams/reservoirs along the river. Plus tributaries and other rivers. I wonder if the municipality adds the chemicals at a local water-treatment facility when it arrives at the holding area for that area.
Our county (Henrico, VA) was not on the list although I have checked with the county and they do add fluoride. Our county until last August was not on the list, though they add it, too. So at least there is the possibility of the list not being exhaustive or updated.
I'd love to get in touch with the guy who presented fluoride facts to Del Rio, Texas' town council (there's a link on the Chart) last fall so they would stop adding fluoride to the water. They discussed that workers don't like handling it as it's corrosive and toxic, and that it is not effective against dental cavities, and that it's an agricultural waste product, etc.
Any one of us could make the same presentation, properly supported, to local town councils. It takes about 20 people to change a municipal law. Get mothers educated and on board and kebam! No more fluoride in your water. The tide is turning on this as they recently said that infant formula should not be made with fluoridated tap water, I think...