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Save your money - Trudeau's cracks are still showing

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Dquixote1217 Views: 2,121
Published: 18 y
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Save your money - Trudeau's cracks are still showing

Yes, the book does contain some good information - but it was hyped far and wide with infomercials and adds that made it appear that the book contained real remedies and it didn't. What it did contain was lots of links to other Trudeau moneymaking sites.

Take a look at:

A listing of typical consumer complaints about Trudeau


Trudeau tops all others in infomercial complaints

for examples.

And if you really want to know about Trudeau, then check out "What Kevin Trudeau Doesn't Want You to Know About Him":

"The author of the bestselling "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" claims to be a consumer advocate in the Ralph Nader mold. But the infomercial king just wants your cash."

Those aren't "the media", those are complaints by real people who have gotten bilked out of their money and who continue to get monthly credit card charges and calls from after-the-sale Trudeau telemarketing scams plus a real completely factual expose' of infomercial king and scam artist Trudeau.

Ironically, he may have actually accomplished some good by informing people about things they did not know regarding natural health and the way the medical establishment works - but I assure you, that was a distant second in Trudeau's consideration behind getting your cash.

Somehow I doubt that Trudeau has much of value to offer people at CureZone, an audience that is pretty well educated about mainstream medicine and natural alternatives.

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