Answer: Cured!
Thank you for inspiring me to answer...
No control stuff here.
Cured Cured Cured.
People need to realize that the habits they thought was "normal" is in fact toxic, acidic, and poisonous.
I know MOST people today are TV dummies. They actually get hypnotized by all the advertisments and stuff themselves with poisonous products such as sunblock, lotions, anti-perspirants. They get convinced that eating hotdogs, breakfast cereal, pus filled milk, hamburgers, pizza and kentucky fried cancer is "normal".
The "normal" urban diet is TOTALLY ACIDIC. for example:
Breakfast: bread + bacon + eggs + milk +
Genetically-Modified-Organisms wheat / corn cereal box
Snacks: nuts
Lunch: Fried Chicken + Rice + 2 leaves of lettuce. + Diet Pepsi
Snacks: a hotdog sandwich
Dinner: A Big MAC + Coke
Try giving this everyday to any ATHLETE and see how he deteriorates into mud.
Then there are the perfumes, anti-perspirants, shampoo with SLS, toothpaste with flouride, drinking and bathing in chlorine, putting mercury in your mouth.
All this today's people think is "normal".
What is "normal" today is a culture of mediocrity. What is normal today is people accept poor health and a life of taking drugs and surgical removal of body parts as normal.
What is normal today is people accept their obesity and see that being obese is now "normal".
My best friend is 100
pounds overweight yet he sees no ALARM with his sorry state. His own mother and father died in their 50s because of cancers and diabetes and my friend sees this as "normal."
What I propose is people first CURE themselves, something like 1,000% So they have a buffer of health say 900%. Then once in a while they can go out and party with their "normal" diseased, drugged and obese friends eating "normally" ridiculous junk and acidic food.
Cured people actually LIKE being healthy.
The cured people have their taste buds adjusted to the new excellent "normal."
The cured people can be left alone in an all you can eat smorgasboard and still come out and choose the healthiest dishes.
The cured people actually have planned their shopping to the new excellent "normal."
The cured people will teach their children the new excellent "normal."
It was the same story when I was overweight by 45 pounds.
Obese people have unhealthy eating habits.
Slim people have very much different habits.
I recently tried a 10 day 90% raw food program thinking that yeah, after 10 days, I will go back to what I thought was "normal", but Nooooo, in 10 days I felt stronger, I felt cleaner, I felt healthier, my taste buds have changed their tastes and now I actually WANT raw food. Now I can set my sights on something like Mike Adams the health ranger.
Cured people will have learned very healthy habits and this is why they will be cured forever.