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Cure or control?
naravahanadata Views: 2,877
Published: 18 y
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Cure or control?

Goodsamaritan, I really DO admire you, but you call this CURED? I call this "controlling" the disease, not "curing" it. I understand that severe cases will do anything to rid themselves off this plague, however they then have to watch their diet and lifestyle forever.. I know a lot of raw foodists who literally cannot eat anything not raw unless they want to experience very unpleasant reactions. This is not exactly how I want to spend the rest of my life. I still believe there must be some way how to heal yourself FOR GOOD without having to restrict yourself so much for the next several decades. I do eat loads of raw fruits and vegetables, I avoid chemicals and additives in my food and drink as much as I can, I fast regularly, but I still want to be able to eat my rice, cooked vegetables as well as raw and drink my wine occasionally :(

Ah, sorry, just voicing my dismay. I believe our body is a miracle, if we give it a chance, it should be able to heal completely.. If we change our attitudes, the reason for our body to malfunction should disappear. I hope.

Peace xx


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