Re: Rife info
I remember there were two well known rife guys claiming that their machines have killed large worms, one of them is a rife machine with about 4 tubes or more and the other is some type of ultra sound rife machine, but functions more like a "crane" meaning it´s handheld. According to Jeff Sutherland and others, the ultra sound machine gives out all frequencies you could ever need, but they claim this machine does not give enough time for each frequency, althogh the inventor (gary wade) says it works great (of course :-)). The more expensive rife machine builders says the cheaper ones don´t penetrate the body enough and theres something wrong with harmonics on the cheaper rife machines.
At the same time some of the crane builders claim that their machines are more effective because you have direct contact with the frequency, and that rife machines looses power the longer away you are from the place in the body you want to treat. The rife machine builders sometimes claim that the crane machines don´t penetrate all organs in the body, because the current goes more easily through some parts of the body than others, and rife machines penetrate all blood and organs. So you see there is some disagreement here :-).
If you have a somewhat strong stereo amplifier though and a computer and is a "handy girl/guy" you can build a crane device also, but the crane builders would probably clame it´s not working right :-).