Re: wayWayWAY too many variables/errors for a solid conclusion :( edit Re: Increasing of Bacterial Content of the Body
Thank you very much. My husband and I (I'm 47, he's 53) went back to college a few years ago, and while we studied a LOT of allopathic BS and bogus 'facts' in ALL of our classes, we had a particulary fantastic biology professor. Before we ever even started doing lab work, we were given flawed biology studies that have been accepted as 'fact' for decades, and had to identify the flaws which rendered the studies invalid.
I'm tellin' ya, it was a tough 4 years (getting these ole brains back into 'learning' mode), but we came out on the other side of it with a whole lot more 'radar' and understanding of HOW to read something and see through & past the actual 'words'.
As much as it earns me a reputation for being 'brutal, harsh, and/or sarcastically skeptical', I find that when reading ANYthing - the very first 'read through' should be done with the underlying thought - "what is wrong with this?". Doing that saves SO much time and wasted brain-space. The majority of everything written is a LONG way from "pure & valid", and it's far easier to throw out the junk 'up front' than it is to read, absorb, believe, and learn everything we're exposed to, and then have to 'undo' the learning later on. Besides, the 'junk science' makes EVERYTHING so confusing...IF you pay any attention to it.
'Gotta keep that radar on 'high alert' for sure AND for certain!