Re: Help Requested Please - 1st cleanse 3rd Day Dizzy, spaced out a bit depressed
I was also on Effexor (for a few years). I got really tired of having withdrawals everytime I forgot to take it. That happened a lot too. Finally I just tossed them all out and quit them cold-turkey. That was not easy at all, but I was determined. Effexor worked so well when I took it - but I forgot to take it so often that the bad definitely out-weighed the good. I am so glad I got off of it. It was missserable coming off of it though. I think it took me a couple of weeks before I was through with the withdrawal/detox symtoms of Effexor. Be sure to google about coming off of Effexor. I can't even list all of the detox symptoms you might experience - there are so many. You will be so glad when you're through this and it is SOOOOO worth it to stop taking it. I didn't use the Master Cleanse to help me quit Effexor. I did that prior to ever even hearing about the Master Cleanse. I think it will be easier for you having the Master Cleanse to get all of the toxins out sooner.
As far as the brain chemistry goes - it will all work itself out, if you're anything like me. I do not take drugs prescription or not - and I don't miss them a bit. I feel fantastic and the Master Cleanse helped me so much. I do not take Amino Acids, I just eat food that supplies what I need. I also drink a lot of water - compared to what I drank prior to doing the Master Cleanse.
You're going through a rough patch right now - I know! The good news is that it will not last. You are doing something that is so much better for you than any and all of the drugs that the Dr's give out. You're actually getting healthy. When you're through with this, if you follow it up with a healthy eating and physical fitness plan/schedule, you're gonna feel better than you have since you were a kid.
Cheers to taking charge of your own health - physical and emotional!