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Re: watch out for bedbugs bearing morgellons
  Views: 8,752
Published: 18 y
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Re: watch out for bedbugs bearing morgellons

The two posts directly below this section state the way my symptoms started. I ate cooked fish (grouper). A month before that I had also eaten sushi, fish unknown. Symptoms started within hours of eating the cooked grouper--vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, gut pain, fever and dark cloudy urine. My tongue was bright red.

I was diagnosed immmediately after getting sick as having contracted parasites from the fish I had just eaten. Diagnosis was from a Chinese person who recognized my symptoms. This person is trained thoroughly in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese have a lot more experience in treating parasites than does Western medicine, at least Western medicine as practiced in most industralized nations. I never sought Western medical help, as I was certain there would be no medicine for me. Later I found out what my symptoms matched those of others who had posted on the web. After reading about their experiences after visiting doctors I was doubly glad I did not seek help in that sector.

I had already turned towards traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat colds and flu long before I contracted these symptoms and so felt quite comfortable going to a TCM practitioner first. I am allergic to most Antibiotics and this is usually what is offered by Western medicine for whatever ails a person, needed or not needed. I am sure my symptoms would have been so much worse if I had not sought the help of TCM from the very start. The TCM herbs got so much of the parasitic infection out of my body from the very beginning (visible in stool, urine). As did some of the presenting symptoms before TCM treatment was initiated (vomiting and diarrhea). Still I have seen the colored fibers, cotton stuff etc. All greatly reduced as I am continuing TCM treatment.

I think that blood sucking insects (fleas, ticks, mites, lice, bed bugs etc) could spread this even farther by biting already infected people who got it from either eating sea/fresh water fish or who have bathed in infected waters. There may even be a stage that the parasite is the water. It is already known that there is a liver fluke which can be caught in fresh water in tropical areas, and it can be caught simply by bathing in the water. Personally I am glad that I did not have to wait for Western medicine to get off its sanctimonious self-satisfied behind (come to think of it Western medicine is still sitting) for treatment. TCM never mocks people, but treats symptoms. For which I give thanks every day, believe me.


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