MH 108
18 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: Minerals and the sun's radiation...
We make our own vitamins 24/7 and when in the sun, we live the best. Consuming second hand radiation (food vitamins) is a supplement to the body that is unable to survive on air/sun alone. Most all humans are at a stage of disease that we consume large amounts of dead things in an effort to survive. We should be taking our cloths off and getting tanned and breathing fresh windy air from the ocean or woods. The less we depend upon the sun/air, the more we will seek to eat dead animals and dead grains.
Regardless what we try, our Skin makes the vitamins that supply us with life. One has to be extremely lost in life to believe that the pills sold in stores are "vitamins" they are in fact, "all" trash chemicals/metals aka toxic to human health. The MDs created the vitamin industry and have turned wasted metals into trillions of $$$$$$$$$$ over the past 80 years.
We are compressed radiation, filled with air and spirit. Thus, if we need anything, it is air and sunshine. Everything known, is a form of compressed sun radiation, in fact, we are all from one source and this is why the people of the Pyramids worshipped the Sun as their God and why the pope had to give the created roman god Jesus the Sun's birthday. This world is operated by those who started sun worshipping, we adapted their info for our earth history/laws, etc.
The people stay alive, because they receive enough raditation to maintain life, not because of what they ate. What they eat, determins their health only because of the accumulations. The fresh fruit/vegetable has life, we assimulate this life we call Vitamins.
Vitamins are like electricity, you can't put it in a pill.
Looking at the sun properly, activates our most powerful systems. It is easy to see why the sun was worshipped as God.