18 y
lyme or parasite? ANYONE????????
the last couple months i been fighting
parasites ( ascaris, tapeworm), i thought.
i've been sick a long time.. i do remember getting bit and pulling the tick off.
wasnt long after ::: stiff neck, severe fatigue, joint, muscle pain. could never get a clear diagnosis.
my question is i have something i thought was a very big ascaris. it has come up into my ear i can feel it has a very hard square head. drs. cant see it. its in the lobe and behind the ear itself. and some strange things i can feel in the shower when the water hits them all over my shouldars. this thing in my ear feels sometimes like a stick ( which i thought was tape w.), like a toothpick. and, very small wire like things spiraling to i dunno somewhere.
could i be dealing with lyme?? after 20 years would the lyme parasties get really, really big.???????
see i begged for a albendazole type med. they said no unless postive test. but, i got an ear
Antibiotic and regu. keflex and cipro .. the ear med (cipro )seems to be helping i dont think it would for a reg paraste?????????
tx. for the help,, anyone.