Re: Speaking of "organic"
Very good points.
GM crops are a true nightmare. Just like man's failed attempts to better nature in healing, when man tries to modify what nature has provided we have a horrible record, and the recent revelations about cancer and other illnesses being linked to
Genetically-Modified crops is but the tip of the iceberg I fear.
In Canada, court decisions have ruled that the patent holder of
Genetically-Modified crops has the right to the seeds and that farmers may not replant their own seeds if they grew
Genetically-Modified crops but instead have to buy new seeds year after year. If they do not and their crops are found to contain markers for the GM crops, they have to pay the patent holder a royalty.
It gets worse. One would think that an adjacent non-GM crop grower would be entitled to damages from cross pollination of his crops and contamination of his seeds and subsequent crops by the GM genetics. Instead, if that farmer's crops are tested at harvest and found to have GM markers, he too must pay a royalty based on the level of markers found.
Is the same thing already happening here in the US too? Or elsewhere? It would not surprise me. As we have seen with big pharma, big money talks loudly, and big money corrupts widely. The huge soy industry is an excellent example. Soy has worked it's way into a very large portion of our foodstuffs and has been widely promoted as being healthy, with all the supporting studies and industry driven propaganda. The truth is just the opposite. Soy is quite dangerous except in ferment forms like tempeh and miso.