Re: Near death experience?
I had read your post and know that you absolutely saw what you saw.
A year or so back, when I was coming out of my depression, I had a couple of dreams in which I received healing from monklike figures. A long story there.
My sister was 26 years old. She was in a car accident and her spinal cord was severed. She would have been a paraplegic had she lived. She was in the hospital for 26 days, we almost lost her twice during that time. A week before she passed, she had surgery to fuse her spine and was up in recovery waiting for a bed in rehab when a blood clot from her legs entered her heart and she died. This is a common cause of death after a spinal cord injury.
According to a couple of books and others I have talked to, feathers are a common sign from loved ones who have passed.
I wonder if the feather in Canada was from my Godmother/Aunt who lived a few miles from Montemorancy Falls. My relatives have also visited my dreams on occasion. These visits are unmistakably different from my normal dreaming. But that is longer story:-)