Day 14 - Low Sugar Diet
I've done pretty darn well. Not ony do I keep from the
Sugar but I usually try to eat healthy stuff with a few exceptions, such as once I had italian bread/butter with my salad. Yesterday was more of a bad day where I snacked in the afternoon and I got a peanut butter granola bar - second ingredient is brown sugar! In the evening I had an apple w/peanut butter then 2 open-faced oven toasted bread w/colby cheddar...that was really a splurge. My hubby wants pizza sometime this week too. That will be ok - I'm not trying to be a nazi, just trying to have less cravings so I can be sensible. I've been really good with food so I think it's working!
About cravings: I still have the compulsion (or habit?) in a more mild sense to eat...pretty much all the time. It's like an open option at any time of day and I'm trying to not snack and let some hunger build up between meals. I have small snacks. Because of eating the granola bar yesterday, I brought in raisins and an apple in case I want to snack after lunch. I do think I must be eating less calories because I don't have a muffin/cake/whatever in the afternoons like I used to. If I have 2 raisin packs, that is 260 cal which it probably half of what a muffin or cornbread must've been with my earlier snacks. AND those INTENSE cravings that I had to BATTLE before: they're no longer plaguing me. I still have mild cravings and things like those donut holds on the counter LOOK good to me but I am not CRAVING. It is easier to have willpower when you're just turning your mind off rather than fighting cravings. It is easier for me now so I will be very aware of when I do eat sweets. I still plan on going through to June 9th with no desserts or real sweets...
WEIGHT LOSS: The first week, the scale dropped 4
pounds for me. This may be just b/c I'm not bloated with a recent carb binge as I am sometimes...well 4
pounds is a lot so maybe 1 or 2 is real weight loss!!! (YAY!!!) But we'll see. I'm also doing a spinning class twice weekly with other exercising (more regularly than before) and I'm having Activa (yogurt) once daily the last few days and it is making me regular. With these things added, I'm hoping to see a continued weight loss. I will wait until this weekend to weigh myself and see if the scale is still dropping. I'm kind of excited to see if it does because that would mean that by dropping sweets in general I can resist my previous binges and I can lose weight - this is a managable plan for me. I have to wait and see if it's working yet but either way it is NICE not to fight food as much. For that reason alone I might keep this up. But a flat belly would be nice too! ;-)