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Image Embedded Re: counting *your* blessings edit at: enjoy your walk
Zoebess Views: 3,383
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Re: counting *your* blessings edit at: enjoy your walk


HA~! okay, I would be willing to give you some credit
for CZ's crash as it certainly falls within the realm of
how energy manifests. Your writing during that time
was prolific and, for me, it was sad to see it, as well
as many others thoughts, go the way of the cyber wind
or was it a black hole..ggg.

I found much healing in that time, and your dreams
and interpretation did have a positive effect since it
made one think and I was glad for it. Still, the whole
affair, in a zen way was an exercise in the NOW. I have
been this way before. Once, I took my entire life's
collection of poetry, and did a ceremony and burned
it all. It was the only copy. I was empowered by the
moment of it, and never regretted it.

Some years back, I also had an experience of having a
gallery opening with my art work open successfully. Two
weeks later, I stood with the gallery owner and watched
it burn to the ground, taking my artwork with it. Again,
the winds(fire) of change blow through our consciousness
and we are reduced to what we have on...our skin and our

Do we manifest these things in our lives?? I think so.
The tapestry of your own journeying however does effect
others and it is the weave and weft that make life interesting,
challenging, and creative. I seem to have these kinds of
little events as a recurring theme. That my blog disappeared
still gives me plenty to ruminate on and to step back and
look at it another way. Another facet of the dream that is

In the end, we leave with nothing but the memories of
our life, in all of its perfection. We are here and
then we are in another NOW...surrender allows you to
feel the comfort of being ready and *knowing*.

My own recent lesson in spontaneous manifesting
involved a choice. To stay my course and serve a higher
purpose, since that is why I am here, or to reach out
for the dangling carrot(s). I did the right thing,
not necessarily the easy thing, and now I am really
realizing I made the right choice since I would be
discomforted leaving my lesson before I had really
*caught it*. So, my patience is my blessing and I
am grateful for it.

My tree friend will return to the dust. I plan to go
back, as I left my prayer hoop there and still,
less often, but times will bring my attention there
and to the cedar grove I loved wandering in, as well as
the mountains I have climbed which made their marks
on me. There is something so heavenly about being
in places among trees that presage the times where
man has surrounded himself with the maya of civilization.
It feeds my soul, the remembering *being* there...

What a nice synchronicity of the lesson of your day
being self-realization. It was indeed a remarkable day.

I hope this one too will find you *being* well~~





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