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Re: Debunking oil pulling
BOY......... I am not sure I even know where to start.
As for the three catagories of "posters" as mentioned in the second article, I guess I must fall into the first catagory. I OP because it works! Before OP, I brushed twice a day, rinsed and flossed. My gums bleed everytime I brushed. I had plague on my lower teeth. I had receeding gums, and yellowing from age. Since OP, I brush twice a day, rinse and floss. There has been no change in my dental routine. My gums NEVER bleed. My teeth are whiter than they have been in 20 years. My gums are pink and healthy looking. I have no plague. I am going for a dental check up soon and when they asked me if I needed to book in for a clean, for the first time in my life, I said "no thank you, I don't need one". My eyes sparkle after OPing. My skin is clear. I love doing OP, and have no intention of stopping.
My 15 yo son started just two weeks ago. He doesn't brush his teeth anymore often than he did before OP. He still doesn't floss. His teeth were very stained despite every effort to correct the situation. They are now whiter and brighter than I have seen them in years, and I fully expect that they will keep on improving.
As for ingesting some of the oil, I was already taking flaxseed oil and VCO (3 tbls a day) prior to even starting OP, so I am not sure that the tiny bit of oil I may ingest from OP is making any difference at all.
I don't know if OP will cure cancer. I don't know how it pulls toxins from the body. I am not sure I need to know. To be honest with you, I have no idea how this computer that I am currently typing on works. But I know it does. I can see the results. Just because something can't be explained by current scientific or rational thought, doesn't mean that it does not exist. I don't understand how Pharmaceuticals work either, but I used to take them - on faith - because a doctor told me to.
I tried OP. It worked. End of story.
BTW. I have never had my teeth whitened (except for OP). I am 41 years old. I smoked for 20 years (don't now).