plus note for JulieumaRe: Iodine for Parkinsons...Re: Sneaking iodine into husband's drink
And I agree with YOUR thoughts :)
Iodine can be part of the 'root cause' or part of a deep imbalance. Messing with the meds isn't advisable with our level of knowledge.
Of course, I believe/know (as I think you do too, maybe/probably :) that taking brominated meds (or ANY pharmaceutical) to create 'symptom control' is about THE most 'backward' thing one could do when a true/complete healing is the goal. Those meds do two things: 1) cause the treating physician/heal to NEVER be able to know/see what is truly happening within the body, and 2) generally worsen the condition of the very 'baseline' that is supposed to be healed.
The 'greats' (Kelley, Christopher, Gerson, Schultze...the ONLY ones that ever had success with the 'incurables')...always weaned their patients OFF all pharmaceuticals as the very first course. It's SO evil that true healing is against the law.
Almost ALWAYS the meds 'they' give to control the symptoms are the VERY OPPOSITE of what is needed by the body to heal. Fluoridated Prozac 'works' because it dulls the emotions (hence relieving depression), but having 'undealt with' emotions and bad nutritions (that cause one to not be able to deal with the emotions) is what causes the depression. Hence, in the long run, Prozac worsens the condition.
Same with heart drugs. Have a heart attack (because your heart muscle is weak and undernourished, along with having to pump 'blood sludge'), and the first thing they do is put you on a beta-blocker to weaken the beat of the heart and slow the heart rate/pulse. Oh sure, it relieves the 'symptom', but it WORSENS the condition.
If it were MY body, I'd wean myself off all meds and do my d*mndest to heal naturally/normally (using herbs to control the symptoms). But I'm a major rarity in that fear IS the meds, not the symptoms. However, (and most importantly, realistically) we, as a society, have been deprived of the very type of healer that knows/knew how to control the symptomology with herbs and natural protocols WHILE safely weaning off the meds. And it's a RARE healer in this day & age that have the knowledge to pull it off OR will risk finding themselves in a losing battle with the 'powers that be' for trying & succeeding.
So that leaves us back in the same 'box' that we've all been in for decades...and sadly, it's basically/in most cases, a losing box when it comes to the 'incurables'. Unless we (most importantly the person that needs healing) delves DEEP in both knowledge & action to true healing protocols (the ones that at first, seem just as severe as the disease needing to be cured, or the poisonous drugs used to control symptoms), the 'terminal illness' will indeed become 'terminal'.
Enough of my ranting! :)
If I were Julie (Julie, I hope you're seeing this) I'd get the Schulze/Biser videos (and MANUAL)...the complete "Save Your Life" course. The videos can usually be found on eBay, but it's not so common to find the videos with the manual (a HUGE binder FILLED with all kinds of information that's not on the videos). There's several sections on neurological disorders (incredibly detailed), and
Dr. Schulze did CURE patients with Parkinsons - there's one testimony/story in the manual.
!! There are NO incurable diseases !! (Schulze even cured Lou Gehrigs/ALS and AIDS).
I just found a COMPLETE course/set on eBay. I'll post it in a separtate/following post because the link is SO long.
Honestly, if I could only recommend ONE course or bit of information to ANYONE interested in the world of natural health, this course is THE one. Reading the manual changes everyone's life entirely...and the best thing? It REMOVES ALL FEAR of treating yourself and gives you the KNOWLEDGE you NEED to fight/beat ANY disease.
Everybody should have this course; it's a MAJOR LIFE CHANGER!
Gotta fly!