My story is similar. I am 28 and have been with my husband for 8years. married for 5, and have been trying to get pregnant. We did a multitude of test, and found out by random (a test I wanted to do without my Doctors approval and without knowing what it was) I had chlamydia. My hubby and I haven't gone anywhere, but my hsband 3 years ago had Epididemidis (?) which is supposed to be a long term symptoms of chlamydia. Is it possible to have chlamydia for over 8eyars without feeling anything? What were your sterility problem? My husband has bad morphology (3% good only), and everything is good with me expect my ovarian reserve. Oh, and 3 years ago my general doctor tested me for chlamydia as a normal procedure for his office when you are a new patient, and the result was negatif. If chalmydia is dormant can it be seen with a blood test?
Thank you for all of your help!
PS: I have been under Antibiotics for the last 7days. How long did you take the anitbiotics?