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Re: How much to zap

Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 1,891
Published: 18 y
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Re: How much to zap

Start 7 mins with 20 minute breaks, x 3.

The standard zapping cycle is 7 minutes on (which kills the parasites), then turn the switch off and wait for 20 minutes. Zap again for 7 minutes(which kills the bacteria released by the dead parasites) then take another 20-minute break. Zap one last time for 7 minutes (which kills the viruses released by the dead bacteria). This constitutes a full zapping cycle.

You should zap at least once a day for the first 3 weeks. You may start to get results within the first few days, which is very common. You may wish to complete 1 to 3 zapping cycles per day. After zapping for 3 weeks take a break for one week before resuming zapping. The purpose of this is twofold. Firstly, you need to give the body a rest from the detoxification. Secondly, you do not want the parasites and other pathogens to become used to the zapping. They might become resistant to it. You want to surprise them every time you zap and having a break after 3 weeks allows for this.

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