Hashimoto's antibodies, iodine, breast health
Hi, I am a new member here. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis (diagnosed at age 12, now 45). I've been on thyroid replacement hormone since diagnosis. In the last few months I've done a lot of reading on
Iodine for breast health and started taking first liquid kelp supplement, and now
Lugol's solution, 2-3 drops/day in water and ACV. I read a research paper that said the thyroid peroxidase enzyme (TPO) which the thyroid gland needs to soak up
Iodine is very close in molecular structure to lactoperoxidase (LPO), which breast tissue needs to soak up iodine. Since people with Hashimoto's have antibodies to the TPO, some feel that these antibodies also destroy the LPO in breast tissue, which means
Iodine can't get into the breast tissue so we lose the protection of iodine against fibrocystic disease and cancer. Are there any women here taking iodine for breast health and if so, has it helped you? I know that taking selenium can help lower antiTPO levels but I don't think the effect lasts very long. Thanks a lot!