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Re: Oh boy!
  Views: 1,754
Published: 18 y
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Re: Oh boy!

There are thousands of herbs that kill parasites. When they become resistant to one herb, you can switch to another one. There aren't as many prescription meds to choose from. Herbs are safer and more reliable than prescription drugs because they are a natural defense. The reason people don't believe herbs will work, is because they are afraid to take enough to make a big difference, and they aren't tenacious enough to hang in there and keep going after them over and over, long enough to eradicate them. It will be the same with prescription drugs. The darn things are stubborn and they will come back. Many people have taken prescription drugs, and their infections came back as soon as their presriptions ran out. People have a lot faith in prescriptions, despite the fact that they damage to the liver, there are oogles of bad side effects, and you have to stay on them continuously in many cases, in order for them to keep working. God gave us herbs. Why don't people have as much faith in God, as they do doctors?


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