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Re: My response
muad_dib Views: 3,448
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 872,473

Re: My response

You're overgeneralizing a tad bit. There's various modalities of medicine: allopathic, osteopathic, naturopathic, etc.

As far as treating symptoms instead of problems, you're overgeneralizing a bit again.
It's true that medicine has a lot to do in all respects with treating symptoms, because after all, that's why people seek help for their problems. But it's not all pop a tylenol and it hides your headache without fixing it.

Heart attacks - fix the blockage in the coronary arteries with stents, clotbusters
Stab wound - look for damage to structures, fix the damage
Syphilis - give antibiotics in one shot and cure a terrible disease
Back pain - manipulative therapy to loosen joints, relax muscles and tissues
Type I Diabetes - your body doesn't make insulin, so you get insulin injections
Pap smears - greatly reduced the rates of undiagnosed and deadly cervical cancer before symptoms start
Pregnancy - back in the day people went to a doctor to confirm being pregnant and then to deliver, then nurses got savvy and realized that consistent pre-birth care reduced problems so they started doing home visits
Itching - witch hazel causes vessels to constrict, decreasing the inflammation



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