Re: Charles please pray for me too
I agree with your assesement of fear. I actually stay away from people who express lots of fear in areas of
their lives as I sense something else going on. We need to gather as much information as possible about what
is happening with our own bodies and then move forward to do whatever it takes to try and remedy the problem.
Unfortuately the doctors get us in lots of trouble and we can follow them thinking they really know what we need
to do and even more silly is that they care. Medicine has gotten out of control and we need to use some
common sense to do what will heal our bodies. If fear is appropiate, then it should be fear of the medical community.
The drugs that are handed out like candy and cutting people open with no regard to what is right or moral, but
one thing they will do is check first to see what kind of insurance you have.
Any extra prayers I would covet from a man like Charles and thank you for your story. Angela