Re: We Need To Tell The Whole Story
Hello to all
This is a quick follow-up of my original post. To Blythe thanks for the info about the epson salt baths, the anti-inflamitory medications, and the msm.
To Jbuzzme-yes we did use anti-parasitics and it helped rid us of worms but was a catalyst to increase the effect of the Morgellons. We have not used coconut oil as yet but plan to do so shortly.
In reference to petroleum jelly-with Morgellons you have a variety of objects coming out of your body (white puffy things, black objects with the consistency of sand, odd looking plastic like fibers, and some people complain of minute (tiny) flying insects. Taking the silver enduces a mass kill off of these objects and they will attempt to flee the body any way possible. The objects do not like petroleum jelly-either because it clogs their pores or makes it difficult for them to exit the body. From the reports of people using high doses of silver- covering up areas of their bodies that they do not want the Morgellon objects exiting; petroleum jelly encourages the objects to exit in the areas that you desire ie lower body including legs.
In reference to how we got it-I believe that we were infected by a dead cat. Unknown to me a cat had wandered into our garage and died and we began to smell a foul odor. Eventually we detected the dead cat and removed it with throw away plastic gloves, but the cat had fleas which I did not know about and I had been bringing the fleas into my home for a couple of weeks before I noted them. My wife was more sensitive to the fleas than me. We eventually got rid of all of our carpets and detoxed our home but after that we did feel like mites were biting us from time to time-this went on for several years.
A little more than a year ago we did use a
Colon Cleanse and this brought out the Morgellons wherever it was hiding.
I continued with the silver steadily increasing my dosage. I am now taking three teaspoons in the morning, two teaspoons in the afternoon and two teaspoons in the evening. I have been improved significantly. My wife has discontinued the silver and will decide how she will proceed. Since her Morgellons is more acute than mine she knows that she will have to use an all out attack using silver, but she also knows that Morgellons will hit her hard. Time will tell what she decides!!