I would bet...
if he took the high road and stayed on it, he would easily more than double it. I would most likely send most everyone I know to this forum.
No matter what forum I have hung out in, the discussion of mineral importance most always comes down to the nutrients (ingredients) in the moreless drink if those that were in the forum would just open their eyes to see it.
Even in the iodine (kelp, that they tend to bash) forum there is a need for C, magnesium, selenium (kelp), boron (kelp) calcium has come up several times (though some still demonize it; they misunderstand its importance due to negative studies and do not take into account the anion and cation factor) and all kinds of trace minerals (kelp and BSM).
There was a busy thread earlier today about not being as sensitive to the sun since taking iodine in the iodine forum...
I posted this same ability last year since doing the ML drink. I have not burned at all going into my third year and I know it is due to the ML drink.
These are just a few of my past posts, but if you read the iodine forum and then go through some old posts in the moreless forum , you will find it has already been discovered and discussed, but more importantly understood.
I find it interesting that many Japanese Doctors and medical scientists along with people like Dr. Olree and Jerry Burnetti are saying what moreless knew... even about calcium in the form of calcium hydroxide.
I am a testament that the ML protocol and his ideas work. Will it work for everyone? I do not know that, however, I suspect so. But as with anything else, dosing and such will vary significantly from person to person.
ML will need some help from us when he gets back. I hope there are enough souls here to help... we will also have to remember though to stay out of the fray and let the nay sayers and bashers have their fun without interference from anyone.
I highly respect other forums such as MH, Andreas, and Humaworm. In addition I support the Cleansing forums, along with forums like oil pulling, which I do daily, etc. but to me this forum was the single most powerful protocol so far and I still feel that way.