Thanks Maya. It is good to get the true story and put an end to all of the speculation. I remember when Moreless put up that post called "Confession Time" in which he promised to change and redeem himself. Obviously it didn't happen. Let's hope he follows through this time. It was good that he stopped posting in the debate forums, but he should just stop reading them all together. Instead of responding in the debate forums he just moved his response over to the Moreless forum and nothing really changed. He needs to stop worrying about what is going on elsewhere on curezone and just concentrate on getting his message out on his forum. Obviously that can be pretty tough because he was getting beaten up pretty badly in other forums. Forum heads need to be held to a higher standard, and Moreless needs to realize this. He is a 60+ year old man who needs to be mature enough to take the high road. I really think that if this happens he will double his following and most of the negative buzz about him on curezone will cease.