18 y
Re: bloodroot tissue damage pics-warning graphic
I've tried several just to see if they work. Bloodroot helped skin skin cancer lesions I've had in the past, but not my friends BF- it attacked all of his moles when he applied it, and I had thought in the past that it only goes after unhealthy lesions, so I was confused and felt bad for recommending it.
My husband used the natural mole remover cream and it worked like a charm. itworkspaste, the #1 natural mole and wart remover, and wart and mole vanish have the same/similar ingredients from what I can tell. I would think anyone of them should work. I haven't tried curaderm or dermatend because I didn't read great reveiws on them.
Anyway, When I saw what they did to my friends BF skin, I came here on this forum to see if anyone else had experienced it, then I researched other sites who may have had the same issues.
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