My battle with candida began many years ago. I have many of the classic symptons listed in the dozen or so books I purchased to educate myself about this disease. Tried many of the antifungals that only made me feel worse. About a year ago I finally came to understand that my problem is not Candida. My health issues are a result of pathogenic bacteria in my gut as a result of taking Antibiotics prescribed by a dermatologist to combat Acne as a teenager. I have had diarrhea ever since. My gut flora has been altered {dysbiosis} and basically have an intestinal bacterial infection, most likely Clostidium difficile. I can't begin to tell you how devistated I am to realize that for all those years I thought I had Candida and never got better with any of the protocals for treatment. I urge you folks to do a google search for Probiotic therapy Reseach Center-then click on Doctors at the top of the page-then click on Concept of Human Bowel Flora as a Therapeutic Agent-Then click on Concept of Human Bowel FLora as a healthy or Sick Organ and read this. Near the Bottom of this section Dr. Tom Borody has written "Candida albicans rarely plays a pathogenic infecitive role in the bowel except in some situations of severe immunodefiency eg. AIDS. Folks, this is in my opinion the best information available that explains what is going on with us. I urge you stongly to consider the Info this doctor has written. There is no doubt that the health issues we suffer from are real, but no antifungal will help, only probably make matters worse. If you have any questions I will gladly share what I think I know about this issue.