I agree with Southern Belle. It is really easy to do and do Hulda Clark 's cleanse. Just try to keep the next day (especially the morning) free to rest and allow the Gallstones to come out. I thought it would be much harder than it was the first time I did a cleanse but it was mostly in my head.
I chose not to do a parasite cleanse as I am breastfeeding and felt it was best to wait and I had no problems.
The first cleanse I did was William Donald Kelly's but have subsequently done Hulda Clark s and found that to be better. If you had more time you could do one of the longer cleanses, (I personally like taking lots of apple juice before a cleanse when I have time, but only did that for one of my cleanses, and had no problem with the others.
Good luck with you cleanse. It is an amazing process.