Some need EOs, some don't?
I wonder why some people "need" to supplement with omega 3 oils, or even any type of nutritional oil, while others do not.
These oils have never made a difference in my life, but I know they have in many others.
Let's look at all of my friends:
Take no nutritinal oils- omega 3,6,9.
Drink alcohol
Some smoke
Eat refined foods of no nutritional value.
They are in perfect health. I do everything to try and he healthy and I am not.
If "essential" oils really are essential, they why doesn't everybody need them?
My sister doesn't take any oils and her skin is amazing.
It's not about what you eat, it is about what you are born with (genetics).
I have two sisters who have no health problems and are radiantly healthy- including skin.
I comprise all of the left-over material from the genetic shit-bin. For this reason I am not healthy and haven't been for 10 years.
It is very embarassing to spend so much time on health and healing and look like I am dying while others could care less and look (and are) perfectly healthy.