18 y
Re: Condition improving
Your body is beginning to get all the nutrition it needs to function optimally. Are you taking a good multi vitamin with A,C,E,Selenium, ZINC and Chromium? Have you flushed out your cappillaries with niacin? This will help get rid of the skin problems. Their final exit is via the skin. They really start biting hard on their way out. You'll have lots of creepy crawly sensations, stinging and itching. Hit them harder.
The required attitude for complete eradication of parasitical infection is "I WOULD RATHER DIE TRYING TO GET RID OF THEM THAN GIVE UP AND LET THEM TAKE OVER MY BODY AND KILL ME"
Determination is the key. You must never give up, because they are nothing more than little biological machines that are programmed to make compost out of everybody they can. If you don't stop them, they will take over your body and kill you. There are plenty of herbs that will kill them. Getting plenty of iodine, anti-oxidents and proper nutrition will strengthen your resistance, making it difficult for them to come back.
With plenty of iodine, it might be impossible for them to come back. Too bad they are wanting to make it available by prescription only. We need to try and stop that if we can, because I don't think the doctors are going to want to prescribe enough for optimal health. They will be afraid their patients will croak from die off symptoms.